
This module was automatically generated from the following grammar:

DClass: Module < DCFile

###################### ## Parser Utilities ## ######################

List(Elem, Sep) < Elem (Sep Elem)*

###################### ## Lexical Elements ## ######################

Spacing <- :(' ' / '\t' / '\r' / '\n' / '\r\n' / comment)*

# Letters and Digits letter <- [A-Za-z] decDigit <- [0-9] octDigit <- [0-7] hexDigit <- [0-9A-Fa-f] binDigit <- "0" / "1"

#Operators operator < "%" / "*" / "+" / "-" / "/"

#Delimiters delimiter < "(" / ")" / "{" / "}" / "[" / "]" / "," / ";" / "=" / ":" / operator

#Number Literals numLiteral < intLiteral / floatLiteral

#Integers intLiteral <- / ;decLiteral / ;octLiteral / ;hexLiteral / ;binLiteral

decLiteral <~ ([1-9] decDigit*) / "0" octLiteral <~ ^"0" octDigit* hexLiteral <~ ^"0" Xx hexDigit* binLiteral <~ ^"0" Bb binDigit*

#Floats floatLiteral <~ (decimals / (decimals "." decimals) / ("." decimals)) "f"? decimals <~ decDigit+

#Text Literals charLiteral <- :quote (escapeSequence / nonSingleQuote) :quote stringLiteral <- :doublequote stringCharacters :doublequote stringCharacters <~ (escapeSequence / nonDoubleQuote)* nonSingleQuote <- (!quote .)* nonDoubleQuote <- (!doublequote .)* escapeSequence <- ^"\\" (~("x" hexDigit+) / .)

# Identifiers Identifier < ;identifier

#Keywords keyword < "dclass" / "struct" / "keyword"

#Data Types dataType < ;charType / ;intType / ;floatType / ;sizedType charType <- ;"char" intType <- / ;"int8" / ;"int16" / ;"int32" / ;"int64" / ;"uint8" / ;"uint16" / ;"uint32" / ;"uint64" floatType <- ;"float64" sizedType <- ;"string" / ;"blob"

# Comments comment <: lineComment / blockComment lineComment <: (("//" !'#') (!endOfLine .)* endOfLine) blockComment <: ("/*" (blockComment / (!("/*"/"*/") .))* "*/")

############# ## Grammar ## #############

DC File

DCFile < (ImportDecl / ParseDirective / TypeDecl / :comment)+ eoi

# Special parse directives: e.g: # //# typeid = 01 ParseDirective < "//#" Identifier "=" (QualifiedIdentifier / numLiteral) ";"

ImportDecl < "from" QualifiedIdentifier "import" ImportList QualifiedIdentifier <~ Identifier ("." Identifier)* ImportList < Identifier ("/" Identifier)*

TypeDecl < (KeywordType / StructType / ClassType / AliasType) ";"

# Alias Types AliasType < "typedef" (dataType / Identifier) Identifier

# Keywords KeywordType < "keyword" Identifier KeywordList < Identifier+

# Struct Type StructType < "struct" Identifier "{" (Parameter ";")+ "}"

# Class Type ClassType < "dclass" Identifier (":" Identifier)? "{" (FieldDecl ";")+ "}"

# Field Types FieldDecl < (MolecularField / AtomicField / ParameterField)

MolecularField < Identifier ":" MolecularFieldMembers AtomicField < Identifier "(" ParameterList? ")" KeywordList? ParameterField < Parameter KeywordList?

MolecularFieldMembers < (Identifier) ("," (Identifier))*

# Parameter Types ParameterList < Parameter ("," Parameter)* Parameter < / ArrayParameter / CharParameter / IntParameter / FloatParameter / SizedParameter / StructParameter

# Char Parameter CharParameter < :charType Identifier? ("=" charLiteral)?

# Integer Parameter IntParameter < intType IntRange? IntTransform? Identifier? ("=" IntConstant)? IntConstant < intLiteral / "{" intLiteral IntTransform "}" IntTransform < operator intLiteral (( "(" IntTransform ")" ) / IntTransform)* IntRange < "(" intLiteral "-" intLiteral ")"

# Float Parameter FloatParameter < floatType FloatRange? FloatTransform? Identifier? ("=" FloatConstant)? FloatConstant < floatLiteral / ( "{" floatLiteral FloatTransform "}" ) FloatTransform < operator floatLiteral (FloatTransform / ( "(" FloatTransform ")" ))* FloatRange < "(" floatLiteral "-" floatLiteral ")"

# Sized Parameter SizedParameter < sizedType SizeConstraint? Identifier? ("=" stringLiteral)? SizeConstraint < "(" intLiteral ("-" intLiteral)? ")"

# Struct Parameter StructParameter < Identifier Identifier?

# Array Parameter ArrayParameter < (dataType / Identifier) Identifier? ArrayRange ArrayRange < / "[" "]" / "[" intLiteral ("-" intLiteral)? "]"

Public Imports

public import pegged.peg;
Undocumented in source.



alias DClass = GenericDClass!(ParseTree).DClass
Undocumented in source.


struct GenericDClass(TParseTree)
Undocumented in source.
